Taking education to the next level is different for each individual. This is why we offer a broad range of courses for 16 to 19 years, so you have the option to study in a way that will get you to where you want to be.

A levels

A levels are the traditional route to higher education, allowing learners to specialise in a range of chosen subjects. They’re not just applicable to those looking to progress to university – A levels are also respected qualifications to have for on-the-job training, a higher apprenticeship and to enter employment. A levels look great on CVs, ensuring individuals stand out to prospective employers or universities. They help develop knowledge in chosen subject areas, and build key academic and analytical skills that prepare each learner for the future.


Vocational qualifications, such as BTEC diplomas, allow learners to specialise in a particular subject and enrich it with hands-on learning and industry experience.

Our Hybrid Programme is our offer combining two A levels and one vocational course. These excellent vocational diplomas are designed to dovetail perfectly with A levels. They are an ideal springboard to high quality HE courses, providing specialist content and supporting progression on to further study.

If you are interested in the Hybrid Programme, you will need to choose a vocational course from one of the following courses:

Applied Law
Applied Psychology
Applied Science
Sport Science & Exercise